Thursday, 10 June 2021

OctaneRender for Modo 2021.1 - Render Passes

Below is a tutorial showing the changes in the way Render Passes work in the Octane 2021.1 version of the plugin. Download this version of the plugin from

Friday, 28 May 2021

OctaneRender for Rhino 2021.1.0.127 - Render Passes

Below is a tutorial showing the changes in the way Render Passes work in the Octane 2021.1 version of the plugin. Download this version of the plugin from

Monday, 13 July 2020

Creating an OAUTH2 token for a Basecamp App using python

I had trouble following some of the guides, so used the following approach (July-2020).

Step 1

In a browser, go to and click "Copy to clipboard" on the unique URL. Leave this page open in your browser.

Step 2

Create a new Application at Tick the Basecamp 3 checkbox in Products. Paste the URL from step 1 into the Redirect URI.

Step 3

Go to a browser, and enter the following URL:<the_client_id_of_the_app_from_step_2>a&redirect_uri=<the_redirect_uri_of_the_app_from_step_2>

The browser will open a page asking you to authenticate with Basecamp. Click "Yes, I'll allow access".

Step 4

Go back to the browser page from step 1. The web hook should now show a Query String, with an 8 digit 8. Use this code in the following step.

Step 5

Start a Python3 session and enter:

>>> import requests
>>> response ="<the_client_id_of_the_app_from_step_2>&redirect_uri=<the_redirect_uri_of_the_app_from_step_2>&client_secret=<the_client_secret_of_the_app_from_step_2>&code=<the_8_digit_code_from_step_4>")
>>> response
<Response [200]>

If you do not get a response code of 200, type  

>>> response.content 

to see the error.

In the python session, type:

 >>> response.content.decode("utf-8")

The returned string is the OAUTH2 access_token and refresh_token then your app can use to log into the Basecamp 3 API.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Octane Render for Nuke and HDR Light Studio Area Lights

If there are any Octane users who would like the test this new functionality, pls let me know and I will organise the appropriate licenses.