Monday 22 February 2016

Using OctaneRender for Modo with SLIK2

This is an interim workflow which will allow you to work with SLIK2 in OctaneRender for Modo.  It is based on:

  • Modo901/902
  • OctaneRender for Modo release and
  • SLIK2 release 2.0

OctaneRender for Modo can be used to render scenes with Luminous Polygon lights.  Other SLIK2 lights are not supported.


Firsly, set the Octane Environment to Texture Environment and set the Power to 0.001 to remove any non-emitter light sources from the scene.


To create an Octane emitter for a Luminous Polygon light, do the following:
1) Delete the Grid, Luminous Reflector and Replicator groups from the SLIK Light Materials shader tree group.

2) Add an Octane Override to the SLIK Light Materials Group

3) Open the Octane Override in the Schematic, select the Octane Material and "Convert to Diffuse" (if it is not already a Diffuse Material).  Then add a Texture Emission and plug it into the Emission of the Emission pin of the Diffuse Material.  Set the Texture of the Emission to 1, and untick Surface Brightness.

4) Add an Octane Float Value node to the Schematic, right click the node node and "Add Channel" and select Float XYZ.  Connect this Float node to the Octane Texture Emission Power pin.

5) Open the SLIK_Luminous_Material in the Shader Tree, select the Modo Material, and from the Material Trans tab drag the Luminous Intensity into the Schematic (containing the Octane Override).  Then connect the Luminous Intensity to the Octane Float Value "Float X" pin.

That SLIK2 light should now render as an emitter in Octane.  The emitter power should render the same in Modo as it does in Octane.  If you change the Power of the SLIK2 Light, you will need to Refresh the Octane scene in order for the new power to be picked up.

Panorama HDR

After using SLIK2 to render a panorama HDR and auto-adding it to the Modo Shader Tree Environment, you will need to set the SLIK HDR Environment->SLIK HDR Image Effect to "Environment Color".